
New Goat Milk Soaps


The Chicken Ate My Banana.


New Buck!

We have a new addition – a ridiculously cute 5 1/2 month old nubian buckling. He’s the sweetest little guy ever, and just loves to be snuggled. So far he’s settling in well and getting along great with BamBam. BamBam is keeping him company in quarantine until his lab results come back clear, and then we’re hoping this little guy will be the 2016 goat kid baby daddy.

Nathan gets to name the boys, so… wait for it… meet Gigolo.
Or Jiggi, or Jiggles (family-friendly version)  : )



Goat Toys: The Hay Net

Awhile ago, I posted some photos of my goats playing with their water jug goat toy. It’s one of our most popular posts, so I thought I’d share some photos of another one of our goat toys. I picked up a Hay Net and hung it from the roof of the shade structure out in the pasture. It’s like a piñata for goats! [Read more…]


Goat Milk Soap

I’ve been working on making goat milk soap over the last few months. Yes, you can make soap out of milk! It’s crazy. Seriously, dumping a bunch of coconut oil, goat milk and a handful of other things into a bowl and ending up with soap in a few hours is a very cool homesteading experience. It’s been a nice way to use up all of this extra milk that’s been taking up the frig, but it’s also nice knowing exactly what’s going into it since soap gets rubbed all over your skin every day.

goat milk soap

I’m still working on perfecting my recipes, [Read more…]


Rocco the Rooster

Rocco was found wandering around a neighborhood after a monsoon storm last month. A good Samaritan named Tracy brought him to us after an unsuccessful search for his owners.

Rocco is a very tiny bantam ameraucana / Easter Egger chicken. He is quiet, shy, and not at all aggressive. He loves eating fresh fruits and veggies and goes crazy over his mealworm treats. (YUCK.) He would love to find a flock of his own and a permanent coop to call home.

Rocco is available to a good home for an adoption fee of only $1.00! Contact Us to set up a time to meet him.

Rocco | Adoptable Bantam Ameraucana Rooster


Update: Rocco has been adopted! He has a great new home in Queen Creek where he can free range with a flock of his own. : )


Low point of my day? It was not going to the dentist and discovering a new cavity. It was not shovelling dirt in 110 degree heat. It was when the goat drank my mango margarita.  He seemed pleased.
