gallerybaby nubians

Baby Goats!

Betsy and Buttercup are our new nubian dairy goats. : ) They’re adjusting really well, and Peabody loves them! They both have great personalities, and will hopefully be excellent milkers when they get older. They’re still getting a bottle a few times a day, but are munching on solids. They haven’t been out with the adults yet, but everyone seems to be getting along OK through the fence.


  1. Kimberly Woodward says

    Hello, Very informative site! I just love ALL your kids (critters). I have 2 rescued horses, Indy and ChuBasco an OTTB GGGrandson of Secretariat which I bought from an auction last year after losing Pallas a 27 yr. old Saddlebred and very close companion of Indy. Poor Basco was 300 lbs underweight and was in great need of care. My vet came out within 2 days to give Basco a health check and found him in good shape except for his weight of horse and him needing his teeth floated.
    I also have 1 rooster and 26 hens all free range except for at night I keep them secure in their 15×30 foot coop. I found your info on fertile eggs quiet interesting. I’m a vegetarian so I only have the hens for eggs although I bought my first chicks cos I just love them and all animals. I was wondering if you ever have a Pygmy goat male and quiet young for adoption? Would you please keep me in mind if and when you do? All my kids are on aprox. 2 acres. Thank you again!
    Kimberly Woodward
    Tempe, AZ. 85284

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