
The Chickens

I love chickens. One of the first things you realize when you get them is that they’re very addictive. Yes, five or six chickens would be more than adequate for our needs as we don’t really eat a ton of eggs, but we have twenty-something of them. Each one has a name and a unique little personality.

We have mostly bantam (miniature) chickens, but we do have a few standard-size girls as well. At the moment we have: black, white and blue silkies, bantam frizzle, sizzle, polish, bantam polish, rosecomb, ameraucana, silkie-cauna, barred rock, and california red. Our chickens free-range in the pasture during the day, eating bugs and grass, and sleep in what my husband calls the “Frank Lloyd Wright Chicken Mansion.”

I hatch chicks occasionally and have fertile hatching eggs available for those that are interested in hatching their own chicks. We have white, brown, tan, green and green-blue eggs.

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